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Clean Water / Private Aqueduct

The continuous distribution of clean water is done through a unique aqueduct park with a full supply system.

The treatment plant and adduction line and fast filtering system guarantee the safety of the water pressure from the intake to consumption of companies.

Electric Power

The uninterrupted and stable supply of electricity is based on a dual system that includes a Generation Center with a production capacity of 8.25 Mega Watts and an Electrical Substation to yield 4-7 Mega Watts and automatic synchronization works at the same time as providing an emergency alternative.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

The park infrastructure has a modern treatment plant physical, chemical, and biological industrial wastewater. The processing includes filtration, clarification, and biological particle removal under the highest standards of sanitation.

Transport of employees

Employees have the option of using the services of a private company that provides pre-established routes, with a stop in the park. In addition, there are two access routes for public transport with unlimited possibilities for routes and schedules.

Other Services

Language School: The Park designs and facilitates training programs for foreign languages ​​for employees of different companies according to their needs.

Now Hiring: This department provides employee recruitment companies attracting and selecting staff who meet the profiles established by the customer.

Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development Center: This project is under development which aims to provide a space within the park where client companies have the expertise to design, develop and innovate for their line of products and services.


Green Areas

In the Caribbean Industrial Park, general management guarantees landscaping, street lighting, and other common areas.

Waste Management

To monitor garbage collection in a timely and effective, we use a private company that performs the service twice a day.


Access to the park is subject to a security system that has qualified and specialized staff under a system of perimeter security 24/7.



Our communication infrastructure links the renowned multinational services such as Claro and France Telecom ( Altice), the leader in voice and data technology with extensive national and intercontinental coverage. Claro has installed fiber optic lines by the two main entrances to the park.
Internet services the Telco’s provide Tricom and course through dedicated lines.

Customs and CNZFE

Our customers have the ability to have a customs office and a branch expert staff of CNZFE (National Council of Free Zones and Export) in the Park.


Different banks render their services through three cashiers ATH, including the Banco Popular Dominicano and the Reserve Bank of the Dominican Republic.


The café, with a capacity of 600 people, serves a varied menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with food processed under strict health and hygiene standards.


Controlled by the Cibao International Airport, operates in the daytime.

Health Care

Within the park’s infrastructure includes a doctor available for emergencies

Parking of trucks

A wide space of parking for trucks with a capacity for 30 units, makes loading and unloading of goods

Assistance and advice

In Caribbean Industrial Park we have a fully trained staff trained in the proper use of physical space and industrial facilities. Our assistance covers all the variables needed to establish businesses in the shortest time frame authorized by Dominican law, and covers:

  • Design, construction, and setting of warehouses
  • Support
  • Legal and General Assistance